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In Memory of Liam Bergin charity event

We are remembering Liam Bergin, the passionate Green Party candidate who stood in Bollington for us in the local elections for Cheshire East Council in 2023 and dedicated his life to advocating for environmental issues and supporting local causes.

Despite being diagnosed with a glioblastoma in April 2020, Liam’s determination led him to raise an impressive £45,000 for Brain Tumour Research through his fundraising efforts.

Although Liam is no longer with us, his loved ones continue to honour his memory by raising awareness for the brain tumour charity and striving to make a difference.

His legacy serves as a reminder of the significance of making small changes in our daily lives to contribute to a cleaner and safer future for everyone.

Shockingly, brain tumours claim the lives of more individuals under 40 than any other cancer, yet only 1% of the national cancer research budget is allocated to this devastating disease.

Join us in supporting the cause to find a treatment by donating to his son Joe’s JustGiving page at:


Every contribution counts towards making a difference.

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