Cheshire East – Crewe West – By Election

5th September 2024

The declared results of the Crewe West By-Election in 2024 are as follows:

Ben WyeLabour Party55343.4% (elected)
Nick GouldingReform UK33326.1%
David SimcoxConservative21717.0%
Brian SilvesterCrewe First1098.5%
Melanie EnglishGreen Party634.9%
Turn out 16.77%

We would like to congratulate Ben Wye on his success, and look forward to any and all collaboration opportunities.

This result for the Green Party could be said to represent the underlying support for the party in this area. Due to time and resource constraints, we were not able to mount an active door knocking or leafletting campaign.

If you would like to discuss these results further as they relate to the Green Party in Cheshire East please consider coming to a scheduled meeting, or contacting one of CEGP’s committee members.

You can access the official record of this by-election on the Cheshire East Council website.

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