We can – and should – bring about change locally

We, in the Green Party, encourage decentralisation. You and I know what is needed here in Macclesfield, politicians and managers in London, much less so. This isn’t about power, but about accountability and delivery – we can help our friends, neighbours and community and bring about change ourselves, here and now.

With this in mind, I recently joined a discussion about how best to support those recovering, and wanting to recover, from drug and alcohol addiction in Cheshire East. In just the past 12 months I have known three people in our area who have died as a result of addiction. Perhaps the most heartbreaking is where 2 young children have been left fatherless by another needless death. In my voluntary work in this area I hear of violence leading to time in police custody, to injuries costing the NHS or employers, narrow scrapes from drivers losing their licences… so many stories and so much more help needed.

Our discussion looked at the complex web of funding and service provision – NHS, Council, voluntary sector – and envisaged solutions involving a one-stop core for help and comfort. I hope it will lead to improved communication, and better service provision for those in need in time to come, but at the very least we have increased our understanding of what is available, and our commitment to helping to create and provide solutions.

Would that everything the Council does ran as smoothly. You will see I have deliberately avoided wading into any criticism – I look for creative solutions, and to provide assistance. If you do too, of if you’d like to talk about this or anything Green (or green), come and chat at Flour Water Salt (SK10 1EB) on Saturday (12th October) between 9 and 11. Or get in touch anytime: welcome@cheshireeast.greenparty.org.uk

If you or anyone you know might benefit from help regarding alcohol or substance use, there are confidential support organisations available, including Change


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