The government has it's head in the sand when it comes to energy policy.

30 August 2022

With Solar farm plans refused in the UK at highest rate in five years, and global oil and regional gas markets racketeering profits recently revealed at three billion dollars every day for the last fifty years! Many would like to see energy companies in public ownership.

Enough is enough. The cost of living crisis combined with the energy crisis is putting many into fuel poverty. Nationally owned energy could lower the cost to people’s bills and put profits back into the nation’s budget. It could help fund the NHS, support those on low incomes, and invest in the renewable solutions we desperately need.

Much of our current crisis is down to lack of investment over decades in renewables, leaving us more exposed to volatile international market prices, and consequences already being felt from climate change.

The head in the sand approach of this government is astounding. Not only continuing to pour billions of pounds into a very poorly designed and environmentally damaging HS2 phase 2b, but now walking away from UK climate commitments wanting to drill for more gas and oil, and dig for more coal.

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