Tory “Dog-Whistle” Politics

The  Conservative government has gone into a vicious spiral of dog-whistle politics.

In the recent by-election in Boris Johnson’s former constituency, the Conservative campaign whipped up local opposition to the ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ), a green tax levied on higher-polluting cars and vans in London.  Prime Minister Sunak has now ordered a review of low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) and it is now understood that plans are being considered which could limit councils’ powers to impose 20mph zones.  Despite the huge popularity of such schemes, where lower traffic speeds in residential areas mean fewer deaths and injuries and lower toxic emissions, the government would rather pander to those who think drivers’ “rights” should come first.  Incredibly, Labour-led Cheshire East Council has already refused to implement “20’s Plenty”, leaving the decision to individual town and parish councils.

United Nations secretary general António Guterres has condemned our Prime Minister as “a dangerous radical”, pursuing “moral and economic madness”, with his announcement of hundreds of new oil and gas licences.  Energy minister Grant Schapps’ claims that “New oil and gas licences will drive forward our energy independence and our economy for generations … safeguarding energy bills for British families” are simply wrong. The UK is more hooked than most on gas and has the high bills to prove it.  Real energy security comes from using less gas, not more.  Labour, meanwhile, insist that existing oil and gas extraction, including plans still in development, should continue. 

Then there’s the contining demonisation of refugees and other people desperately seeking safety on our shores, leading to the fiasco where the “prison hulk” off the Dorset coast had to be hurriedly evacuated when the ship was found to be riddled with Legionnaires Disease.

This government is in terminal decline – we need a General Election now, not next year.


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