NHS Waiting lists

Are you waiting for treatment on the NHS? Is this restricting your ability to work, or live your life to the full? If so, you are not alone. Just this morning I heard of a Macclesfield patient waiting 10 months (and counting) for NHS mental health treatment. But privately funded services are available without delay. 

I, and the Green Party, believe that treatment should always be available based on need, not ability to pay. Yes, this means making tough choices – on funding, prioritisation, and efficiency – but this is the only way to truly protect our NHS, which was once the envy of the world. 

My experience volunteering with our local addiction service has shown me that good public health policy helps the whole community, not just the individual; and that joined up health care, health education, and overall social and economic policies are key to improving health outcomes. Reducing waiting lists helps patients, and creates a ripple effect through their families and communities. Plus it makes more people fit for work.

Last week’s budget did little to address delays, and nothing about the mental health service crisis.

Again this month, we have seen evidence that the health North/South divide persists. The IPPR State of the North 2024 report shows that healthy life expectancy in the North West is 3 years lower than in London. I stand against this, and work within our community to address such inequality.
Do you think the Health Service is in safe hands with this government? If you would like to find out more about The Green Party, or to explore ways to create a fairer, greener society, we will be in Plums Kitchen, opposite Macclesfield Library, on Saturday 16th March from 9-10.30am. Come and chat; come and debate; come and join us. Or get in touch here: welcome@cheshireeast.greenparty.org.uk.


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